Greek American Young Adult Basketball League


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AHEPA District 4’s newly created Youth Athletic Program embarked on its first project, sponsoring The Philadelphia Greek Basketball League (PGBL), now in its seventh year. “The 9 team league is the single most successful endeavor that keeps Greek American Youth from ages 18-35  together in the greater Philaelphia area on a weekly basis, and now, AHEPA is their partner “– N. Voutsakis, AHEPA District 4 Athletic Program Director.

For video coverage of the opening of the season & presentation of the check click on this link.  

AHEPA District 4 sponsors

Greek American Young Adult Basketball League (PGBL)


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AHEPA Mission Statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity,
and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.