Chapter 484

Coatsville, PA

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Serving the State of Pennsylvania
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AHEPA Chapter 484

Coatsville, PA - Chester County

since 03/28/1979

2022-2023 OFFICERS


Chapter President

Harry (Bob) S. Keares - President

276 South Woodmont Road

Downingtown PA 19335
Cell: (610) 633-9349

Chapter Vice President

Vassilios J. Theodorides, D.V.M.
(610) 696-5493

Chapter Secretary

Peter Stathis - Secretary

521 Legion Drive, West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: 610-202-4891

Chapter Treasurer

Ted N. Skiadas
(610) 384-2583


Photos of our recent Christmas party (12/8/19)

Christmas Party 2018
(AHEPA*) awards $7,000 in Scholarships
On Tuesday, June 6, 2017, $7,000 in scholarships were awarded by the Chester County Chapter 484 of AHEPA to seven worthy students at a special awards dinner at the Thorndale Inn in Thorndale, PA. Attending the event were more than 30 AHEPAns, Daughters of Penelope and families and friends. We are proud to have such talented students associated with our chapter. “On to Greater Successes.” (Και σε Ανώτερα).

From left: Peter Skiadas (Scholarship Committee Chairman), Constantina Spyropoulos Alexandra Watts, Alexandra Pappas, Rebecca Schmidt, Dr. Peter Patukas (Event coordinator & Scholarship Committee Member) and Erik Schmidt. Not pictured, Nikki D'Agostino and Annelise Wanner.

News Release PDF


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AHEPA Mission Statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity,
and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.