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     Serving the State of Pennsylvania      HOME POWER DISTRICT 4   AHEPA District Lodge Chapters History Past Governors Sons of Pericles District Calendar AHEPA National   Daughters of Penelope District 4 Page Membership Application  Maids of Athena DOP National    Scholarships District 4  AHEPA National Panhellenic Journey to Greece    FORMS   Membership Forms Application Scholarship Forms and Recources    EVENTS   Local Events Hellenic Parades Greek American Young Adult Basketball League    Scholarship Opportunities District 4 Scholarship AHEPA National Conventions District Convention Supreme Convention    POWER LINE NEWS PHOTO PAGE CONTACT US   //var megamenu_menu = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("megamenu_menu");       function setit() { //alert("x"); jQuery('#megamenu_menu').trigger('mouseleave'); // alert("setit"); } jQuery(function() { var $megamenu_menu = jQuery('#megamenu_menu'); var $megamenu_menu_items = $megamenu_menu.children('li'); var $megamenu_overlay = jQuery('#megamenu_overlay'); /* $megamenu_menu_items.bind('touchstart',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); //$this.removeClass('selected').children('div').css('z-index','1'); //alert($this.html()); if ($this.hasClass("selected")) { alert("b"); jQuery("#megamenu_menu").removeClass('hovered'); // $megamenu_overlay.stop(true,true).fadeTo(200, 0); jQuery("#megamenu_menu").children("li").children('div').hide(); //jQuery(this).trigger('touchend'); // jQuery(this).removeClass('selected'); //alert(jQuery(this).hasClass("selected")); //setTimeout('setit()', 500); $this.removeClass('selected').children('div').css('z-index','1'); $this.removeClass('selected'); //alert($this.hasClass("selected")); //alert(jQuery("#megamenu_menu").html()); } else { //alert('c'); jQuery("#megamenu_menu").addClass('hovered'); $this.addClass('slided selected'); $this.children('div').css('z-index','9999').stop(true,true).slideDown(200,function(){ $megamenu_menu_items.not('.slided').children('div').hide(); $this.removeClass('slided'); }); // alert("x"); } }); */ /*.bind('touchend',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); alert("z"); $this.removeClass('selected').children('div').css('z-index','1'); //alert("touchend fired"); });*/ $megamenu_menu_items.bind('mouseenter touchstart',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); $this.addClass('slided selected'); $this.children('div').css('z-index','9999').stop(true,true).slideDown(200,function(){ $megamenu_menu_items.not('.slided').children('div').hide(); $this.removeClass('slided'); }); }).bind('mouseleave touchend',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); $this.removeClass('selected').children('div').css('z-index','1'); }); $megamenu_menu.bind('mouseenter touchstart',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); $megamenu_overlay.stop(true,true).fadeTo(200, 0.6); $this.addClass('hovered'); }).bind('mouseleave',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); jQuery("#megamenu_menu").removeClass('hovered'); $megamenu_overlay.stop(true,true).fadeTo(200, 0); jQuery("#megamenu_menu").children("li").children('div').hide(); //alert("mouse leave fired"); //alert($mega_menu_items.html()); }); /* $megamenu_menu.bind('touchstart',function(){ var $this = jQuery(this); //if (!$this.hasClass("hovered")) { $megamenu_overlay.stop(true,true).fadeTo(200, 0.6); $this.addClass('hovered'); //alert("touch fired"); //} else { // alert("touch ignored"); //} }); */ });       jQuery(function() { jQuery("#webwidget_slideshow_common1").webwidget_slideshow_common({ slideshow_transition_effect: 'slide_down',//slide_left slide_down fade_in slideshow_time_interval: '15000', slideshow_window_width: '800', slideshow_window_height: '23', slideshow_border_style: 'none',//dashed dotted double groove hidden inset none outset ridge solid slideshow_border_size: '0', slideshow_border_color: '#AEDFE6', slideshow_border_radius: '5', slideshow_padding_size: '3', slideshow_background_color: 'transparent' }); });     AHEPA Family Supreme Convention District Convention Power Line Newsletter Chapters of Power District 4 POWER DISTRICT NO. 4 SCHOLARSHIP                                               (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));                                The Power Line Quarterly AHEPA news from Power District 4


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                 District Convention    91st Annual POWER District #4 Convention June 2-4, 2023 Hosted by AHEPA district 4 lodge We have a great weekend planned for our Brothers & Sisters of the POWER District!


       Calendar Page        2022-2023 POWER DISTRICT 4 LODGE  District Governor Harry Mackrides484-620-1354 [email protected]  District LT. Governor Christ Megoulas 717-576-3215[email protected]  District Secretary John Katras 724-888-6715[email protected]  District Treasurer Timothy "Tim" Vlassopoulos 610-529-5504 [email protected]  District Warden David Bobb 717-781-0728 [email protected]   District Athletic Director Matthew Stolarczyk [email protected] 215-740-8841    Contact AHEPA District 4                  Past District Governors and Convention Cities  

            Year Name Chapter Convention City Host Chapter          1932 Dr. George Paskopoulos 61 Scranton, PA 84   1933 Phokion Sober 26 Reading, PA 61   1934 Phokion Sober 26 Chester, PA 79   1935 Chris Dromazos 26 Wilkes-Barre, PA 55   1936 William Essaris 68 Philadelphia, PA 26   1937 William Essaris 68 Scranton, PA 84   1938 Peter P. Kaldes 84 Lancaster, PA 71   1939 Arthur A. Karkalas 34 Wheeling, WV 68   1940 Arthur A. Karkalas 34 Allentown, PA 60   1941 Thomas P. Birris 34 Washington, PA 156   1942 Thomas P. Birris 34 Reading, PA 61   1943 No Convention. 34 DG Served until 1944.   1944 Aris Carpousis 61 Harrisburg, PA 64   1945 Aris Carpousis 61 Bethlehem, PA 65   1946 Peter J. Carres 26 Bethlehem, PA 65   1947 Peter J. Carres 26 Pottsville, PA 109   1948 Peter V. Paulus 34 Harrisburg, PA 64   1949 Peter V. Paulus 34 Lancaster, PA 71   1950 Spero Custis 322 Wilkes-Barre, PA 55   1951 Thomas D. Cook 34 Philadelphia, PA 26   1952 Thomas D. Cook 34 York, PA 322   1953 William Seras 55 Erie, PA 107   1954 Dr. N.S. Nicholas 26 Easton, PA 56   1955 William Zacherellis 84 Harrisburg, PA 64   1956 Peter A. Cardiges 34 Wheeling, WV 68   1957 Steve Depos 109 Scranton, PA 84   1958 Steve Depos 109 Bethlehem, PA 65   1959 Michael Manesiotis 34 New Castle, PA 87   1960 John Mandros 65 Wilkes-Barre, PA 55   1961 John Nicholas 64 New Kensington, PA 330   1962 Perry Chappen 84 Reading, PA 61   1963 George J. Gialas 116 Harrisburg, PA 64   1964 Gus W. Gekas 64 Allentown, PA 60   1965 William Makrides 432 Washington, PA 15   1966 Michael Kavoulakis 156 Philadelphia, PA 26   1967 Michael Kavoulakis 156 Pittsburgh, PA 34   1968 Charles T. Adams 79 Chester, PA 79   1969 Nick C. Morkides 26 Bethlehem, PA 65   1970 Nicholas M. Kappottas 435 Pittsburgh, PA 34    (William V. Bell competed term) 65     1971 William V. Bell 65 Allentown & Bethlehem 65 – 70   1972 George P. Gabriel 60 Valley Forge, PA 432   1973 Michael S. Economos 34 Lancaster, PA 71   1974 Emmanuel Pelekanos 60 Allentown, PA 60   1975 William Makrides 432 Harrisburg, PA 64   1976 Peter Hombis 65 Chester, PA 79   1977 Spero Tsipras 432 Norristown, PA 432   1978 Dr. Constantine Elliott 60 Reading, PA 6   1979 Peter Pakuris 26 Harrisburg, PA 64   1980 Michael Firilas 60 Philadelphia, PA 26   1981 Dr. Demetrios Moutsatsos 432 Beaver Valley, PA 400   1982 James D. Tanos 445 Harrisburg, PA 64   1983 George Kaffes 79 Allentown, PA 60   1984 Peter Poneros 71 Lancaster, PA 71   1985 Steve Pahides 79 Chester, PA 79   1986 Nick T. Mavros 64 Wilkes-Barre, PA 55   1987 Louis Peronis 400 Chester Co., PA 484   1988 John Triantafillou 400 Reading, PA 61    Served 6 mo. Gus Kaffes 6 mo. 79      1989 Gus Kaffes 79 Pittsburgh, PA 34   1990 John Herron 65 Bethlehem, PA 65   1991 John Herron 65 Chester-Delco, PA 79   1992 Gus Pappas 99 Allentown, PA 60   1993 Ed Shober Jr. 109 Harrisburg, PA 64   1994 Spiro G. Patton, Served 6 mo. 79 Radnor, PA 515     Angelo Loulis 6 mo. 116     1995 Angelo Loulis 116 Lancaster, PA 71   1996 Paul T. Neal 515 Uniontown Monesson 116   1997 Cleon Kordistos 116 Beaver Valley, PA 400   1998 Basil N. Mossaidis 515 Radnor, PA 515   1999 Anthony J. Drakos 400 Chester, PA 79   2000 Anthony J. Drakos 400 Pittsburgh, PA 34   2001 Louis Peronis 400 Philadelphia, PA 26   2002 George Mervosh 34 Pittsburgh, Beaver Valley 34, 400   2003 Philip Yiamalis 400 Atlantic City, NJ Joint 4 & 5   2004 Peter Krelis 34 Allentown, PA 60   2005 Stamtis Loulis 116 Cannonsburg   156    Served 6 mo. John Mesogitis 156     2006 William Kandianis 65 Bethlehem, PA 65   2007 John Mesogitis 156 Moon Township, PA 156   2008 Issak Sotolides 445 Pittsburgh, PA District Host   2009 Jack McCabe 156 Wilkes-Barre, PA 515   2010 Jack McCabe 156 Coriopolis, PA 400   2011 John Kamp 445 Philadelphia PA 445, 26, 515   2012-13 Photi Skolikas 34 Seven Springs, PA District 4   2013-14 Jim Gregorakis 400 Philadelphia, PA D4 & D5 District 4   2014-15  Jim Gregorakis 400 Philadelphia, PA D3 & D4 District 4   2015-16  Nick Voutsaki 400 Pittsburgh, PA District 4   2016-187  Alex Barlamas 400 Bethlehem, PA 60 & 65   2017-18  Alex Barlamas 400 Ambridge, PA 400   2018-19 Charles Mackenzie 60 Grantville/Hershey, PA  D4 Host   2019-20 Charles Mackenzie 60 Virtual Convention  D4 Host   2020-21 Christopher Shaffer 400 Virtual Convention  D4 Host   2021-22  Harry Mackrides 400 Canonsburg, PA  156      

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