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       Calendar Page        2022-2023 POWER DISTRICT 4 LODGE  District Governor Harry Mackrides484-620-1354  District LT. Governor Christ Megoulas  District Secretary John Katras  District Treasurer Timothy "Tim" Vlassopoulos 610-529-5504  District Warden David Bobb 717-781-0728   District Athletic Director Matthew Stolarczyk 215-740-8841    Contact AHEPA District 4                  Our Services Newest Services Silver Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed est lorem, ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla porttitor, convallis eget, dolor. Nulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet. Phasellus quam. Donec tristique, ante sed pretium euismod, turpis justo mattis orci, ac porttitor purus nibh quis nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu massa ultricies eros venenatis auctor. Vivamus quis ante. Fusce a massa. 

 Gold Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed est lorem, ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla porttitor, convallis eget, dolor. Nulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet. Phasellus quam. Donec tristique, ante sed pretium euismod, turpis justo mattis orci, ac porttitor purus nibh quis nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu massa ultricies eros venenatis auctor. Vivamus quis ante. Fusce a massa. 

 Platinum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed est lorem, ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla porttitor, convallis eget, dolor. Nulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet. Phasellus quam. Donec tristique, ante sed pretium euismod, turpis justo mattis orci, ac porttitor purus nibh quis nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris eu massa ultricies eros venenatis auctor. Vivamus quis ante.


                                           AHEPA Mission Statement:  To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity, and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.

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